August 4, 2008

$22.34 Bathroom Make-Over

Don't you love those home makeover shows? As an architect I truly enjoy seeing the finished product and I especially enjoy those shows with budgetary constraints. Who has an unlimited budget these days? My victory this weekend was giving my not so large bathroom a makeover, for a whopping $22.34. How was this accomplished? Well, since the space is limited the shower curtain is a major player, we decided that our 8 year old IKEA curtain had done us proud but it was time for a change. At Bed, Bath and Beyond we found a festive shower curtain that was discontinued, making it $15. Then we added some new curtain rings and a new shower caddy to round out our purchases. When it came time to check out we used our $10-off coupon too, hence the $22.34.

Our bathroom doesn't look vastly different as the paint color is the same as is the rug, but we hope to change that in time. For now we smile when we walk by the bathroom, the fresh colors in the shower curtain have already made a difference between us simply liking a space and loving it. Have you been thinking about making some changes inside your home? If so, think about small changes that might have a big impact. Perhaps a fresh coat of paint in a new color, new throw pillows, or even a new piece of art or even a plant. Something small and affordable is often all you need to freshen up a space, not necessarily the extreme home makeover you fantasize about.

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