September 29, 2009

Free Babysitting!

The words "Free Babysitting" are strong enough to move almost any parent into action. Personally, I equate free babysitting with gold or some other precious commodity. Whether it is having the time for a date with my husband, a chance to go to the store by myself or simply getting to work, the need for childcare is the common denominator. In the early years of parenting I relied solely upon my parents and in-laws to provide care on an as-needed basis. Usually I tried to limit my calls for help to once/month for the truly necessary outings on the calendar. This worked fine for a few years but I find that as life has become busier (another child, more hours at work, and less time with the husband) that the need for childcare has increased. Where I live the going rate for childcare/babysitting is $13-15/hour for one and upwards of $15-20/hour for two kids. Sure, you can find a junior high student who will most likely charge less. But even at $10/hour, who can afford to stay out all night? Or get in more than one date night per month??