March 3, 2009

It's a Way of Thinking

As I have been busy promoting my upcoming class by telling people that "Living Large with Less" is as much a way of thinking as it is about money-saving strategies. In fact, I would go so far as to say that without changing how you think about money many of the potential benefits of my practical information will not be realized. This brain change takes time, but a willingness to open yourself up for change is the perfect place to start. The title of my class begins with the words, "Living Large", so I would suggest you begin this mental journey by thinking about your life's priorities, where/how do you want to Live Large? Is it spending more time with family and/or friends? Is it being able to travel regualrly? Is it being able to buy artwork? Is it setting up a college or retirement account, something you've always desired but haven't done? Or giving to favorite charities generously? Or as simple as enjoying a latte at Starbucks every day? The possibilities are endless.

The second half of the equation is the "with Less" piece. Where can you save or let go of money in order to achieve to aforementioned goal(s)? In my case I wanted more time at home with my family instead of spending 45+ hours/week in a stressful corporate job. I made a decision that cost me 80% of my pay. I changed jobs to work just 20 hours/week at my church, reducing both hours and stress and more importantly increasing my time at home with my young children. Living with Less wasn't easy initially as it meant changing how/where I spent my new, lower income. Yet when I kept my eye on the "Living Large" goal it made it easier. For example, saving money on my monthly groceries freed up money for other bills to be the whole thing begins to work together. Again, time is what we all need to set and attain goals, to make changes both mental and practical, so hang in there and continue moving forward.