June 25, 2008

Check your Pride at the Door

The other day I wanted to go to Target, just to get out of the house given my broken foot. However, it is simply too tiring to walk through a store of that size so my dear husband Brett reminded me that it would be best if I used one of their motorized wheelchairs. Ok, how about "no way"! Needless to say I was unable to let go of my pride and we did not venture out, which may have saved us a few dollars anyways. However, my point here is that I will need to sacrifice some of my pride along the way, asking for help to reach something or for help around the house etc. I need to let go of my pride in order to move forward (literally).

I saw an analogy here with finances. Sometimes we need to check our pride at the door and make some unusual and perhaps seemingly "embarassing" choices. This might mean bringing a brown bag lunch when meeting with a friend instead of buying lunch, it might mean shopping at the Grocery Outlet instead of Metropolitan Market, or it might mean saying no to the latest designer clothing or accessory. These ideas may challenge your pride but they will move you forward towards your financial goals much faster than your need to be cool or hip or simply status quo. Dave Ramsey has a quote that I like which fits in nicely here, "Live like no one else now so you can live like no one else later." These potentially pride-challenging financial changes will be worthwhile in both the long and the short run. Take charge and take positive pride in the new decisions you are starting to make. For me this will mean sitting in the wheelchair with a smile, as I stick to my short shopping list.

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