September 28, 2008 season

Last week we had the first rainy weekend and I was reminded of how much I truly LOVE summer in the northwest. Summer is the best because there is a freedom to do just about anything outside without a worry about the weather. Summer also means an abundance of free activities being offered for the public, i.e. outdoor movies, concerts in the park, parades, and festivals not to mention picnics and park outings. The organizations planning these events count on good summer weather too. As a proponent of Living Large with Less I am always looking out for free or practically free entertainment or outings. The options in the summer are more bountiful and I will miss that as we move into fall and winter.

Below are a few of my favorite fall/winter outings but what I really look forward to are some of my reader suggestions in the comment section of this blog. New ideas can be the way to refresh anyone's schedule.

- As a zoo member some of my favorite times at the zoo are when it is raining, as it keeps the crowds away and there are plenty of indoor spots for animal viewing.
- I don't necessarily recommend retail therapy but we sometimes head to Target and purchase the "popcorn combo" which includes a refillable drink and popcorn for $1.50. Not bad if you just need to get out with your child(ren).
- Parks can be fun in the winter too, we like Carkeek which has some hiking options, even in the rain you can be largely protected from the elements because of tree cover. Many other parks are perfect for walks, hikes or simply fresh air.
- Swimming at one of the public pools, low cost and always entertaining.
- Metro bus is always a favorite and makes the journey half the fun, even if it is just downtown or to pick up lunch or a snack.
- Love the public library system too. Free. Free. Free. Then curl up at home with a good book.
- In our house we end up baking a lot during the winter months. Cookies always freeze well so you don't need to eat all of them. Or think of creative ways to give the cookies away, to neighbors or drop them off with friends. A good excuse to visit and get out of the house!

These are just a few suggestions that come to mind. I look forward to hearing your ideas too.

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