February 17, 2009

Hi-ho, Hi-ho, it's off to Work I Go

I returned to my part-time job at the beginning of the year and as a result, I can see that my blogging time has taken a hit. Given the economic challenges in the U.S. and all of the changes to corporations even since I went on maternity leave in October, I am just plain thankful to even have a job right now. Working outside of the home is not everyone's first choice but for those of us who do work, now is the time to buckle down.

My thoughts for today are for those of us struggling with financial pressure of any kind; perhaps it is a growing mountain of debt, a spouse who has lost a job, or perhaps your own job loss, or loss of hours or wage of any kind, or simply that income doesn't cover the necessary expenses. While I was on leave I began to stress about a small loan we had recently taken and how impossible it seemed to repay. After stressing for weeks I realized that I had the capacity to work more than 20 hours/week, if I could do so when my husband was home so I wouldn't need to pay for childcare. I began to think about some options for evening retail or grocery work, I didn't need to earn a ton but I needed the flexible hours. Then one Sunday at church I noticed that the Hospitality dept needed somebody to help serve dinner to families attending the evening services. Bingo! I contacted the director and was hired on the spot. Now this job isn't glamorous and it is hard work for 6 hours straight, and yet I am thrilled to have figured out a solution that a) generates additional income, b) allows me to do so without needing outside childcare and c) alleviates most of my concern about the loan as I am on track to repaying it in a timely manner.

My challenge for you is to think creatively if you are in a situation where a little extra income would make a big difference in your family. Sometimes the obvious idea, "earn more money" seems to escape us, and quite possibly the solutions may just be under our noses. (Recently I also added a bi-weekly babysitting gig for a friend.) This is not the time in the economy to put pride before your financial security, you may well need to take a job that you consider beneath your ability/skill set....and then be thankful for it. Please share your creative work and/or revenue-generating ideas with all of us, we need to help each other here!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I recently put myself on a monthly spending plan after reviewing my income and monthly obligations. This, by the way, is the first time I've ever done something like this. I can squeak by but there is no doubt that a little extra income would reduce stress and make things easier. You've got me thinking. We all have special skills, experiences and interests. One of mine that seems the most marketable is my fluency in Italian. You really have my wheels turning! I used to teach classes and tutor privately full time. I'm thinking about seeing if I can start up some sort of Italian Cafe groups. Meet at Starbucks for an hour on the weekends. Enjoy a language I miss speaking and earn a few extra dollars. Hm... What are the skills each of us brings to the table? Trade you Italian for ...?